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Meghalaya: The World’s Wettest Place (why meghalaya is famous)


Welcome to Meghalaya, a beautiful place located in the North-East of India. Meghalaya, which means “home of clouds,” lives up to its name as it receives the highest rainfall in the world. This lush green paradise has made several records in the name of India, including the Guinness World Record for receiving 11,400 mm of rain in a year. In 2022, Mawsynram, a village in Meghalaya, broke its own record by setting the highest rainfall record in 24 hours, with over 3 feet of rain in just one day.

The Wettest Place on Earth

Mawsynram, located in the Khasi Hills at an altitude of 4,600 feet, is the world’s wettest place. Despite its title, this village remains relatively unknown to tourists. The weather in Mawsynram is characterized by thick clouds and mist, making visibility a challenge. The continuous rain, which can last for months, creates a unique and gloomy atmosphere.

why meghalaya is famous, some facts about meghalaya

The Life in Mawsynram

Mawsynram is predominantly inhabited by the Khasi community, who are known for their distinct culture and language. Despite the language barrier, the locals greet visitors with warm smiles and offer a glimpse into their daily lives. The village is known for its innovative bamboo umbrellas, locally known as “Kunoop,” which allow people to work with their hands-free. The use of these umbrellas extends beyond protection from rain, as they are also used for farming and gardening.

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Exploring the Village

Walking through the streets of Mawsynram, you’ll notice the abundance of cats. These feline companions serve an essential purpose in keeping the rat population in check. The locals rely on wood as a primary source of fuel for cooking, and they gather it from the nearby forest. Despite the availability of gas, many still prefer cooking on wood stoves due to the unique flavor it imparts to their dishes.

why meghalaya is famous, some facts about meghalaya
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The Reason Behind the Rain

Have you ever wondered why Mawsynram receives such heavy rainfall? The village’s location in the path of the monsoon winds plays a crucial role. As the moist monsoon air from the Bay of Bengal passes through the Khasi Hills, it gets trapped, resulting in abundant rainfall. Approximately 70% of the annual rain in Mawsynram occurs during the monsoon season.

Unforgettable Views

The scenic beauty of Mawsynram is unparalleled. The fast-moving clouds create breathtaking views that change within seconds. Each moment presents a new perspective that leaves visitors in awe. It’s hard to tear your eyes away from the captivating sight of clouds dancing across the sky.

why meghalaya is famous, some facts about meghalaya

A Welcoming Community

Despite being thousands of kilometers away from home and surrounded by people with different appearances, languages, and cultures, visitors to Mawsynram are embraced by a sense of belonging. The genuine smiles and simple connections made through language barriers remind us that despite our differences, there’s a common thread that unites us all.

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Meghalaya’s Mawsynram offers a unique experience for those seeking the beauty of nature’s bounty. From record-breaking rainfall to stunning landscapes, this village in the clouds has much to offer. The warm hospitality and resilient spirit of the Khasi community make a visit to Mawsynram a truly unforgettable experience. So, next time you find yourself craving a glimpse into a world untouched by mass tourism, consider exploring Meghalaya, the world’s wettest place.

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